Hi! My name is Natalie St Jean
and I'm a Full Stack Web Developer.



Laravel, React, MySQL
Our main project was a separated Laravel/MySQL backend, and a React front-end.

Non-Profit Exchange Hub

React, MaterialUI, TypeScript
I was a contributor to a non-profit project that aims to exchange goods and services between non-profit organizations and between organizations and citizens.


PHP, Laravel, Backpack, MySQL
EPICS is a small startup that provides schools a unique algorithm to help students choose a career path. I was hired to upgrade and maintain the Laravel code base.

Public Lab

Ruby, Rails, Javascript, CSS
Public Lab is an Open Source Non-Profit Organization that enables the sharing of scientific data and tools to address environmental issues. I was selected to be an Outreachy Intern from December 2019 - March 2020 to work closely with another Intern on a project using location data for users and events.


PHP, Laravel, Javascript, SASS, MySQL
MNFFL is a web hub for a sports fantasy league to save documents and share messages.
This was a personal project to build a Laravel site from the ground up, from designing the database to styling the front end.
